Thursday, December 27, 2012

I have too much on my plate.

I did have quite the slump from any creative flow. I just really didn't feel like doing any sewing. I went into a journaling mode and that was a big help. I had to say good-bye to my mother Sept. 27th that was a tough blow journaling was a big help and believe it or not sewing did come back in October. I have been able to make/find time to do all day stitching. I have had a lot of study time as well. I have had to give much thought about whether maintaining a blog is really what I want. I still don't know, I do believe I would like to try one more time to really get into keeping this blog and if in the next crazy year I don't keep it up I will let it go. So in the next few weeks I will give myself a plan and try to stick to it. Keep it simple. Happy stitching! Hope everyone has had a fabulous holiday.

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