Saturday, June 11, 2011

school days

I can't believe that I haven't blogged in sooo long!!!!???? The end of the school year is upon me and with all the activities going on it's been just a little crazy. Both of my girls will be moving onto new schools in the fall, the youngest into middle school and the oldest will be a freshman in high school. Where does the time go?? I feel confident that in that time I have celebrated their lives helping to make memories for them to cherish in the future. I do have some things to share I just need to take pictures and download, when I get some time.
I have been to a great quilt show and didn't take any pictures I didn't take my camera what was I thinking???
I did have a great time, it was a guild trip so I had lots of company. Any way I will try to down load and make updates all this week. I will be gone for a few weeks and I don't know if I will be able to get internet service so I definitely want to make updates before I go.

1 comment:

  1. Kids do grow up way too fast. Family time is much more important than blogging. We'll be here whenever you get back!

